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Nobody is more ambitious in embracing their truest self than a child. They’re unbridled, unfiltered and full of enthusiasm. We created a campaign that harnessed that enthusiasm. GapKids Casting Call had been in an annual endeavor, but it was in need of some fresh thinking. We transformed an international campaign into a full digital experience that celebrates our children’s individuality.  We offered more than a chance to star in a GAP photoshoot, we sought to give voice to kids aspirations by exploring what they love to do and all that they were born to be.

Role: Lead Copywriter. AD: Meijun Cai, Lauren Daloisio. Jason Espiritu. CD: Cat Penfold. ECD: Kate Dagget. 

Parents in USA, Canada, UK, Japan and France entered their kid's photo for a chance to win a photoshoot for Gap Kids fall campaign. The user experience is mobile-focused and we made it super-simple to upload a photo and enter the contest. Our doodle feature was designed so parents and kids could collaborate to decorate and share their photos—and thereby sharing our message. Not only did we beat the previous years record of 600k submissions, we also filled Instagram and Facebook with the cutest kids and doodles.

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